Coloured roses only
Our 1/2 Dozen Rose Bouquet is a romantic display of 6 roses delivered
1/2 Dozen Roses
Our 1/2 Dozen Rose Bouquet is a romantic display of 6 red roses delivered.
Spoil the one you love and celebrate Valentine`s Day in style with 6 exquisite red roses accompanied with babies breathe and foilage designed by Newcastle Posy Co, New Lambton, Newcastle.
Delivery available to all areas of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Maitland. Including John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle Private Hospital, Charlestown Square, Lake Macquarie Private Hospital, Westfield Kotara, Maitland Hospital and Mater Hospital.
Include a message on our complimentary gift card or enhance your flowers with one of our fantastic add-on gifts, your selection of chocolate, wine, Moet, gift packs, bears, balloons or many more.